Read on to discover ten laundry rules you can stop following immediately! Fortunately, we have tips on removing both ink and hairspray stains that you can use.  Coffee can color fabric, but adding one cup will not keep your black clothes from fading; follow these tips to keep black clothes black. Many liquid detergent caps make it difficult to see measuring lines. Take time to use a permanent marker to enhance those lines. You’ll save money and get cleaner laundry. It is also a good idea to use half as much detergent as recommended and see if you are pleased with the results. You can always add more, but you can never pull it out. If you have a front load washer, that smell coming from your machine could be because you are using too much detergent and fabric softener. Want to boost chlorine bleach’s whitening power? Add baking soda at the same time! Only a disinfectant like chlorine bleach, pine oil, or a phenolic disinfectant will sanitize the laundry and the washer. There are ways to avoid stretching and shrinking clothes; some fabric shrinkage is caused by the lack of moisture in fibers that comes from overdrying. Clothing should be removed from the dryer while still slightly damp and allowed to air dry if shrinkage is a concern.

Wasting money on high energy bills Waiting a long time for clothes to dry Excessive lint on your clothes Having a fire in your laundry room

Then dryer lint is no big deal.  With just a little effort, your laundry routine can be better and safer. Emptying the lint trap on the dryer should be a routine step every time you use the dryer. Just check the lint filter before you press the on button. Easy, easy, easy. Then take the time once a year to clean the duct work and upgrade if needed. You’ll save money and, possibly, the lives of your family. Traditional dry cleaning used perchloroethylene and other solvents. Even green dry cleaners use silicone fluids and liquid carbon dioxide in their processes. The key to dry cleaning success is to select the best cleaner in your neighborhood.  Keep a basket or bin or mesh bag in the laundry for all those extra socks. Have a sorting and matching party once per month, or just buy your children only one kind of socks so they all match!