Luckily, you can still create a sacred space without smudging or burning white sage. Learn the basics of smudging and some non-smoke alternatives. In feng shui, the ceremonial burning of substances for space clearing is often used in tandem with other adjustments to improve the flow of qi in the environment. From the feng shui point of view, it’s helpful to clear your spaces on a regular basis. You can make a palo santo smoke-free mist by combining palo santo essential oil, water, and alcohol in a clean spray bottle. Another option is to brew a tea with palo santo that you mist. When making your own mist (of any variety), be mindful and focused when you’re putting it together. You can make a white sage smoke-free mist by combining white sage essential oil, water, and alcohol in a clean spray bottle. The easiest method is to use fresh orange peels to clear a space. Simply peel the oranges and save the skins. The peels can be gently squeezed to release their oils and energy into the air.  You can DIY an orange smoke-free mist by combining sweet orange essential oil, water, and alcohol in a clean spray bottle. Or, you can use fresh orange peels with water in a spray bottle. There are several different ways to clear with sound, including gongs, cymbals, or bells. Metal instruments can cut through the negative energy, while crystal or glass can clarify. Use a mantra or repeat an affirmation to shift energy. Singing can uplift and bring in more joy. It can open up the heart when you “let your heart sing.” It’s easy to make a black tourmaline gem water mist. Place black tourmaline and water in a clean spray bottle.

Take a deep inhale and exhale.Set an intention.Clear the space with the alternative technique.Set an intention again.Complete the ritual with a deep inhale and exhale.